Upcoming User Group Meetings

Upcoming user group meetings in Cincinnati and Dayton:

Thursday 13 VMware User Group I believe this is the inaugural meeting of the local VMware user group.  You can find more details about the meeting here.
Monday 17 CINJUG No topic yet on the site, but I'll be at the Dayton .NET Developers Group meeting.
Monday 17 Dayton .NET Developers Group Miguel Castro will be speaking on Sexy Extensibility Patterns. Please note this is not the normal meeting night.
Tuesday 18 Cincinnati .NET Users Group If you miss Miguel at Dayton, you can see him at Cincinnati Tuesday. Rumor has it that there will be some great giveaways at the meeting.
Wednesday 19 Cincinnati Programmers' Guild Artificial Humor by Julia Taylor.  UC doctoral student Julia Taylor presents her work in Sociable Computing: The Humor Bot, a program that can recognize and generate jokes based on phonological similarity of words.

Sounds like an entertaining topic.

3 comments: (+add yours?)

Anonymous said...

Miguel will be at Cincinnati on the 12th of March. It's a special meeting date. We will not be meeting on the 18th. :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...crap, ignore my other comment about Miguel on the 12th. This was from December. Why is Technorati just now telling me about it?

Joe Wirtley said...

No problem. It's good to see someone commenting on my blog posts, even if it's a mistake.