Database Publishing Wizard


As part of the SQL server hosting toolkit, Microsoft released a database publishing wizard, which allows you to publish a database on a hosting service, both schema and data.  It provides two ways to accomplish this:

  1. By generating one SQL script file of the entire database schema and data or
  2. By connecting to a web service provided by the hosting company to transfer the database directly.

I originally read about the database publishing wizard on Scott Guthrie's blog, and then immediately forgot about it until I was talking with Chad at Tellus last week, and he was using it.  So I grabbed the download and installed it.  And it appears to work well.  You can use it via a GUI wizard, or from the command line.  Here are a couple tips from my usage so far:

  • Command line parameters are case sensitive.   It took me a while to figure out that the server parameter was capital (-S), not  lower case (-s). 
  • It does not script the diagrams, but then what does script the diagrams?  Believe it or not, there is a way to script the diagrams in SQL 2005.  Take a look at this article on CodeProject for details.

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