devLink 2010


I just got back from another great devLink.  I did my presentation on Anatomy of an E-Commerce Site in the first time slot after the opening keynote, which left me the remainder of the event to sit back and enjoy the presentations.  I missed last year’s devLink, so this was my first event at Lipscomb University, which provided a great setting for the conference.

The sessions I attended while at devLink included:

I also sat in on an open space on RabbitMQ.  I list all of these session to show the variety of topics and the quality of speakers at devLink.  And these were only the sessions that I attended; there were many more I would like to have seen.  And there were plenty of great open space discussions in which I would have liked to participate.

And beyond the sessions, I was able to spend time connecting with and learning from my peers who are passionate about technology.  All for a $100 conference fee. If you’re anywhere near Nashville, keep an eye out for next year’s devLink.  And if you’re not, attend the local community events near you.   It’s a great way to get some valuable education at a great price.

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