Chris Woodruff on Astoria

Chris Woodruff was the speaker at this week's Dayton .NET Developers Group.  He talked to us about Astoria, or what is now known as ADO.NET Data Services.  ADO.NET Data Services is a way to easily expose data via services.  He gave us a good introduction to using it and did a demonstration of how simple it is to get a basic service up that exposes a read only view of your data. 

My primary take away from the presentation is that the ADO.NET Data Services is a solution looking for a problem.  It's hard to imagine too many scenarios where it would be useful.  In its current state, it would be most useful in exposing a bunch of read-only data that you wanted to make publicly available.  I can also see how it might be useful within an enterprise to expose data in .NET to consumers in other languages.

Sadly, this was also our last meeting at Max Technical Training in Dayton since they are closing their Dayton facility.  Max has been a great supporter of the user group and we've really enjoyed meeting in their facility.  I want to publicly thank Max for their support and for their continued support of many user groups.  I truly appreciate it as both a contribute and attendee at many user groups.

We are still looking for a new home for the user group, so if you have any ideas of potential locations, or opinions about where we should meet, please contact me.

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