Bill Vaughn in Dayton

Bill Vaughn will be visiting Dayton Wednesday.  If you don't recognize his name, it may help to know that he is the author of Hitchhiker's Guide to Visual Studio and SQL Server: Best Practice Architectures and Examples, 7th Edition (Microsoft Windows Server System Series).  In the evening, he will be speaking to the Dayton .NET Developers Group covering a topic yet to be determined.  He gave us four potential presentation topics and we are going to have a vote at the meeting to choose the winner.  The four potential topics are: Visual Studio Reporting, SQL Server CLR Executables, ADO.NET Connecting, and SQL Server Compact Edition.  For more description of each, check out the forum on the web site. 

In the afternoon, Bill has agreed to meet with group members in a less formal setting, so we're having a "open space with Bill Vaughn" starting at 3:00 at the Dorothy Lane Market in Springboro, which is just down the street from our meeting location at Max Technical Training.    For more details, you can also see the forum on the web site. 

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