I did my WPF for Developers presentation for the first time yesterday at the Central Ohio Day of .NET. The most surprising thing was how many people were interested. There ended up being 55 attendees by the official count, but I heard several comments later in the day that there were more people in the hall trying to get in. I'm pleasantly surprised that so many people are interested in WPF, and sorry there were not a few more chairs so more people could attend.
It was the first time I've done that particular presentation, and the first presentation I've done inspired by Beyond Bullet Points and Presentation Zen. I did get a few questions, but overall it was a quiet crowd. Of course, I did cover a lot of material at a fairly rapid pace, so I'm not sure I left a lot of room for questions.
I'm sure I made at least three mistakes. First, I had too much material for the time. I usually try to err on the side of having too much material, but I need to either cut some things or streamline my presentation. The second mistake I made was to not know that I had an hour and ten minutes, not an hour, which exacerbated my first mistake. And lastly, I didn't check the URL I put on my slide to make sure it actually worked. So, if you're looking for the resources I referenced in my presentation, they're here.
As for the mistakes I don't know about, that's where you come in. If you attended my presentation at CODODN and have any suggestions to help me improve the presentation, I'd be happy to hear from you. I plan to give this presentation several more times, so you'll be doing lots of people a favor by helping me out with some honest feedback. You can use the contact form on my web site to send me a message, and you can remain completely anonymous if you like.
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